Monday, December 10, 2012

I Am A Christian Really

When have you denied Christ, you will be surprised.Then Jesus answered, "Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times! The Gospel of John Chapter 16 verse 32. This scripture tells us of the prophecy Jesus gave Peter. Of course Peter told Jesus that he would never deny him. But in fact he did deny knowing Jesus as he was being tortured. You might say that you would never do that.

In fact every time we do not live up to Christian principles we are denying Christ. We do so because as Christians we know when we are not living up to the standard put forth in the bible. None of us are perfect including me, but when we are out and about and hear or see a person(s) in need, and we choose not to help then we are denying ourselves of the teachings of Jesus.

Most of us remember the craze of the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do.") marketing campaign.However, WWJD was more than a marketing ploy, it is how we should live our lives. When we run across a situation that requires the intervention of a helping hand we should reach out to our brother or sister in need. To do otherwise would be an insult to Jesus and his teachings.

If we do not reach out and help those that God puts in our path then essentially we are no better than a person that does not know Christ. I can give you a perfect illustration of what I mean. A friend of mine was out with her family near Beale Air Force Base when they saw what appeared to be a homeless man standing at the next intersection holding a sign that read "I will accept anything you may offer.

My friend had very little money that they could offer the man, but what Cayla did was hand her two year old a banana and told him to hold it out the window. The baby did as asked and the homeless man took the banana from the toddler and politely said. "Thank you a banana is just what I needed." Then they drove away leaving a smiling middle aged man. That young baby will be reminded of that selfless act when he is a couple years older so he can comprehend what the act actually meant.

The world needs more Mother's like Cayla in this crazy world of ours. She did what Jesus would have done. When we see an opportunity to help someone, we should always try to offer something. Maybe all that person needs is a banana. But we will never know if we do not ask. Remember this. Do your actions throughout the day proclaim to the world that " I Am A Christian?" If it does not then we need to reevaluate ourselves and our commitment to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I am not stating that we can intercede in every needy person's life. That is simply not feasible. What I am implying is that you will know when to help because God will tell you. All you have to do is be in tune with God so we will receive the message. One of my favorite blocks of scripture is Matthew Chapter 25 verses 34 - 40 which say: "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

So I say to you, my brother's and sister's we should live our lives so that others will not have to ask if we are a Christian, because our deeds will announce to the world that "I Am A Christian." As men and women of God we should follow the words in Matthew Chapter 16 Verse 15: He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

My hope is that we can all go out every day and help spread the word of God to those that need it. May God keep and bless all of you.

Jeff Houdyshelt All rights reserved

Spiritual Pride   When Government Replaces God In a Society, People Will Blame the Weather On the Government   Overcoming Storms In Our Life   Daily Christian Devotionals: 10 Great Ways to Witness to Others   God's Presence In Adversity and Affliction   The Issue Is Deeper Than Evolution And Creation   

The Role of Social Networking in Marketing

When the Internet first rose to popularity, marketers found a new medium to patronize. But it is fast becoming clear that social networking has created an all new medium within the Internet. Thus, marketers now consider social media marketing as a powerful marketing tool, differentiating it from general Internet marketing.

Anyone who comes into contact with the Internet, and even those who don't, know about how powerful and dominant social networking sites are these days. These sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, are gaining increasing popularity, with millions of new users being added in a short span of time. These sites are therefore getting Internet users together in one website, a rare gathering in a highly scattered and spacious world like the Internet.

For years, marketers have relied on TV, radio, and broadsheets to communicate with the mass market. While these have successfully reached the general population, marketers have always been looking for a more direct way to communicate. Based on the fact that building relationships with customers is a better way to retain their loyalty, marketers have been hoping for a cost-effective way to do this. And now, social networking has provided the perfect solution.

Whether it be in the promotion of products, services, personalities, and even politicians, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites are fast becoming prominent channels of communication. And anyone who knows anything about marketing can tell you that these sites are the perfect tools for marketing.

First, they provide cheap, even free, access to a large gathering of people. Second, these people are not just a whole mass of Internet users. Their social networking profiles automatically divide them into groups based on certain demographic factors, such as age range, gender, and location. This makes it easy for marketers to send messages to the specific segments of the market that they are targeting. Also, these sites, especially Facebook and Twitter, also have features that group people according to their interests or their views and opinions. In Facebook, there are groups and fan pages. In Twitter, there are trending topics and hashtags. These features make it easier for marketers to further identify their specific target audiences.

Indeed, social networking has found a rather prominent place in the world of marketing, so much so, in fact, that there is now a whole new kind of marketing in the business these days. This is called social media marketing, and top advertising agencies are adding it to their roster of services. Other than that, several specialist social media marketing agencies have also been cropping up. It seems that these networks have found their way into the big arena, and it doesn't seem like the trend is going to fade anytime soon.

Avoiding Twitter Marketing Mistakes   Modified Humans with High Tech Components Will Soon Thought Swap in Social Networks   Why Are Social Networks So Addictive? The Secrets Behind the Addictive Nature of Social Networks   Social Media Marketing - The Marketing Strategy Of Today   How Blogging Can Help You Position Your Business   Social Networking - A Web Trend That's Here To Stay - Ways To Utilize The Power Of The Social Media   

Spiritual Pride

Spiritual revelation brings spiritual growth which in turn leads to Christian humility. Whenever we do not respond to Devine Revelation with humility, problems will arise. So many Christians come to the point of believing that their "spiritual maturity" should be displayed for all to see. Many people have been turned off by the arrogance and pride of some Believers who have received revelation from God and have put themselves on display for Christian understudies to see. Christian irresponsibility has led to many stumbling blocks to potential and new believers. One of the signs of true spiritual maturity is a decrease of yourself to the point of preferring others before yourself. (Rom. 12:10) The Apostle Paul stated that you are not to think more highly of yourself than you do of others. (Rom. 12:3) He also proclaimed that he was crucified with Christ and that it was no longer him that lived, but Christ in him. (Rom 2:20) Peter said that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. (I Peter 5:5) Not only does the concept of humility deal with horizontal relationships, but also to our vertical relationship. John the Baptist said that he must decrease but Jesus must increase. (John 3:30) The Scripture reinforces the concept that if a Christian wants to be part of the Kingdom of God, he must become as a little child. (Mk. 10:15, Luke 18:16, Matt.19: 14)

Peter is an example of one who received revelation from God and then, within hours, turned from being blessed with spiritual understanding to rebuking the One that was revealed to him. When Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was, Peter spoke up and said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." (Matt. 16:16) Jesus told him how blessed he was because God had revealed that to him. (v.17) It is truly a great joy when we receive revelation from God, but we have a responsibility to respond to that truth with humility and thankfulness. Revelation is given for the understanding and promotion of the Kingdom of God and as one receives that truth, there is a greater display of Christ in him.

When Jesus shared with His disciples that He would be crucified and that He would rise again the third day, Peter took Him aside and rebuked Him by saying that His crucifixion was unacceptable. (Peter did not even take into consideration that Jesus said He would rise the third day.) Peter had received revelated knowledge but instead of being humbled, it puffed him up. (1 Cor. 8:1) Peter was so prideful that he thought he knew what was best for Jesus and being crucified was not the answer. What Peter had done was to exercise his mind on the natural instead of the supernatural. (v. 23) Jesus pointed out that it was Satan who was behind Peter's response. May every believer be aware of Satan's tactics.

How many Believers have received revelation, but have responded to it in a carnal (human) way? Many people have experienced Christians that have displayed a holier-than-thou attitude. Dialogue with those individuals is always short lived. They love to hear themselves talk and have little tolerance when it comes to listening to others. We need Christians who hear from God and then decrease in self promotion. We need Believers who let Jesus increase in their lives to the point that it is no more them, but Christ reigning within them.

When Government Replaces God In a Society, People Will Blame the Weather On the Government   Overcoming Storms In Our Life   Daily Christian Devotionals: 10 Great Ways to Witness to Others   God's Presence In Adversity and Affliction   Breaking the Law and Calling It Persecution   

Classification Of Insurance Policy

Insurance policy can be categorized into indemnity insurance and non-indemnity insurance.

What is indemnity insurance?

This is a guarantee for providing security or protection against possible hurt, damage, loss or liability. Here, an agreed lump sum (as stated inside the policy) is paid as compensation on the risk insured against any incurred loss or damage.

Indemnity insurance is broadly divided into three forms, as follows:

1. Marine

2. Aviation, and

3. Others (other indemnity insurance)

Marine insurance

This includes all vessels designed for aquatic transportation, both on marine and freshwater territories. This includes the huge commercial insurance on hull s and cargo, sailing dinghies, yachts, motor boats, and small crafts generally.

Marine insurance covers these areas of the ship:

· Hull insurance

· Cargo insurance

· Freight insurance

· Others such as insurance of liability

The marine insurance can be insured in different policy forms such as:

· Voyage policy

· Time policy

· Valued policy

· Un-valued policy

· Floating policy

Aviation insurance

This guarantees hulls of aircraft, third party liability, and legal liability to passengers. Compensations, or rather claims, often reach extremely vast amount, although liability to passengers is limited by international conventions.

All the above marine insurance coverage areas and policy are also applicable to aviation industry, with little or no exception.

Other indemnity insurance

These are listed as follows:

· Fire

· Theft and burglary

· Insurance of liability (including third party)

· Insurance of interest

· Consequential loss of profit

· Agricultural

· Bad debts

· Export credits, etc.

What is non-indemnity insurance?

Non-indemnity insurance is different from indemnity. In case of death, sickness or personal accident, no amount of compensation can equate the emotional disruption being experienced from the death of a loved one through sickness or accident, neither can being compensated counter-balance the pain experienced from a sickness, nor monetary payment from any insurance company compensate for the loss of a leg or an arm in an accident.

Here, the logic of compensation, no matter how large it may be, is to present the monetary payment to the insured as a form of "consolation" or "benefit" payment.

Let's take it this way, if Mr. Adam takes non-indemnity insurance and after some years of paying faithfully the premiums, he has an accident and dies. The insurance company will pay Mr. Adam's family, or whoever is the beneficiary, the sum-assured. The money being paid to Mr. Adam's family cannot bring back Mr. Adam, his love for his family, neither can the money redeem the emotional pain being experienced by his loved ones nor compensate for Mr. Adam's presence and his actions.

In case of loss of any of his limbs, no amount of compensation can erase the pains being experienced by Mr. Adam from the limbless-ness or the emotional imbalance resulting from becoming a physically challenged person. Any compensation paid to Mr. Adam by the insurance company in this case is in form of "benefit" or "consolation" payment.

Non-indemnity insurance consists of both life insurance and non-life insurance.

Non-indemnity life insurance exists in three forms:

Whole life insurance,

Term Insurance, and

Endowment insurance

Non-indemnity non-life insurance policies exist in two forms of:

· Sickness

A non-indemnity non-life insurance policy is the insurance policy taken because of any eventuality of any form of sickness. Let's assume Mr. Adam takes a non-indemnity non-life insurance and he suddenly falls sick. The insurance company will pay his medical bills, and some other compensation as covered in his insurance policy. This may include, but not limited to, payment for the loss of remuneration during the period of sickness, etc.

· Personal accident resulting in death or disability

An insurance policy may also be taken as a protection against any personal accident. In a situation where a policy-holder has an accident and, as a result, loses a limb or dies, the insurance company will pay the insured amount (as in the insurance policy) to the benefactor i.e. the person (in case of personal accident resulting in losing of limb(s)) or the relative/person whose name is on the policy (in case of death).

However, apart from personal accident insurance, accident insurance includes and is sub-divided into:

· Burglary and 'all-risks'

· Employer's liability and public liability

· Contractors' all-risks

· Motor

· Fidelity guarantee and contingency

· Livestock

· Glass

· Weather

· Engineering

· Travel, and so on.

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Medicare Supplement Plan N - A New Option For the Cost Conscious

Starting in June of 2010, Medicare Supplement Plan N will become available. This plan is geared towards providing a supplement plan at a lower cost.

What does Medicare Supplement Plan N provide for the insured? This plan puts co-pays to work. For each visit to the doctor, there will be a $20 co-pay applied. For an emergency room visit, the co-payment is $50. This plan does cover 100% of the Part A deductible. It will provide 100% coverage of the coinsurance requirement for hospital stays that last more than 60 days. It adds 365 additional hospital days once Medicare benefit limits are reached. The plan would also cover 100% of the coinsurance requirements in Part B for lab, doctor and outpatient costs. It will cover the costs of the first three pints of blood when required. This plan also provides a coinsurance payment for an extended visit to a skilled nursing facility. When traveling overseas, this plan helps cover the costs of any emergency care you need.

With the emergence of Medicare Supplement Plan N, Medicare Advantage customers may want to take a peek. There are reports all over the place about reduced benefits and higher premiums. Plan N may be a good solution to this problem. For a similar premium price, Plan N could provide more comprehensive coverage than you have now. The only way that you can be sure is to do some homework and make sure.

How will you know if Medicare Supplement Plan N is the right plan for you? Our insurance specialists can help you review your current coverage. And, if it needs to be updated, we can also provide quotes. We work with name brand insurance companies from all over the United States. We can find a plan at a premium that will fit within your financial plan. And, you want to know a secret? All supplement plans by the same name are the same everywhere. So, Plan N at Company A has the same coverage as Plan N at Company B. We can show you the differences in price though. Premiums can be very different at each company. We can show you the differences.

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Reduce Roofers' Workers' Compensation With a PEO Company

Among the industries that can benefit from a PEO company, roofers are near the top of the list. Professional, legitimately run roofing businesses are at a serious disadvantage against their competition that employs under the table, cash only paid roofers. A PEO company can level the playing field.

When bidding jobs, a legitimate roofing company must consider much more then just the cost of supplies and hourly wages. They must also consider their payroll taxes and workers' compensation costs. For many roofers, the costs associated with workers' compensation may be the biggest factor in determining the competitiveness of their bids.

Before PEO services, small and new roofing companies had little choice in workers' compensation insurance because few of the traditional insurance companies would work with roofers. The insurance companies that would offer work comp insurance for roofers only worked with large, established companies that had the best safety records. If the traditional insurance company would not write a policy for your company, your only option was to go with a state workers' compensation program. Either way, whether with a traditional insurance company or going through the state work comp program, roofers workers' comp premiums were almost completely unaffordable.

Professional Employer Organizations work with roofers to scale down their work comp insurance. When roofers use a PEO company, they can see dramatic savings- which bring down the employee-related costs of the work performed. A roofer can see workers' compensation savings of 15 - 40% when using a PEO company. Unlike with traditional insurance or a state work comp program that require thousands of dollars to get started plus the monthly premiums, a PEO company will also allow roofers to only pay a few hundred dollars to get started or $0 down, pay-as-you-go terms.

PEO services can provide much more for a roofing business then just large workers' compensation savings. They can take on the responsibilities of managing payroll- saving time for the roofing business by providing employee checks and depositing payroll tax deposits. Roofers can focus on bidding jobs instead of the many payroll concerns such as possible audits, end of year responsibilities such as W-2s, or preparing government payroll reports ever again.

When the costs and time invested on the payroll move more in favor of the legitimate roofing business, they can bid competitively, win more jobs, and see significant increases in their profits.

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